Warlords battlecry 3 hero level cap
Warlords battlecry 3 hero level cap

warlords battlecry 3 hero level cap

Could someone possibly clear this up for me? And let me know if you need more info on my situation.Īlso another thing to note: when I do any type alteration to the herodata35 file, and after I see it deleted removed my hero from the line up(though still shows they exist in the editor), I attempt to make another hero and I hit the customize button the game crashes on me. I wanna make sure I'm looking in the right spot, cause when I edit it, it shows the name of my hero, but has the wrong picture(basic Knight), and the stats are all INCREDIBLY randomized(142-1220116), and sometimes in the name slot it says "ÿÿ" I've no idea whats going on with all this, I just wanna give my hero a custom skill set, after fixing the numbers to base stats, and going over to the skills section and altering those how I please, I hit save and it makes no notification(though I don't think it's suppose to) but when I go into the game, my hero suddenly doesn't exist. Different classes provide different base stat bonuses and penalties. Warlords Battlecry III has more factions and hero types than the earlier games in the series, with 16 different races and 28 varying character classes.

warlords battlecry 3 hero level cap

Classes change the base stats (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Charisma) of your hero. I open the HeroData35.xcr with the editor in my My Documents\Warlords Battlecry III folder. Back to Game Mechanics Back to Heroes In total there are 29 different classes (28 with the official 1.03 patch). Hey there, new to the forum, and downloaded this cause I had a few different skills in mind for my heroes(though I planned to level them naturally) I wanted to ask where exactly the hero files are meant to be? I'm running the GoG version, am under the impression its all patched and everything, or at least I think so.

Warlords battlecry 3 hero level cap